
Gog Magog Golf Club

Lagonda Terms of the Competition

The 50th Playing of The Lagonda Trophy

Gog Magog Golf Club 28th & 29th May 2025

Tournament Founder & Sponsor: Mr Clive Smith
2024 Winner: Brandon Skidmore (Cotswold Hills Golf Club)


1. The Tournament

a. Format. The Tournament shall be played over 72 holes of medal stroke play, 36 holes being played each day on the Club’s Old Course. After the first day, competitors with the lowest 40 scores and ties will compete on the second day. The remaining competitors will be eliminated.

b. The winner shall be the competitor who returns the lowest score over 72 holes. In the event of a tie, there shall be a “sudden death” play-off over holes 1, 2, 17 and 18. All other ties shall be decided by England Golf’s countback formula.

c. Rules and Terms of the Competition. In addition to these Terms of the Competition, play will be in accordance with:
i. The Rules of Golf
ii. England Golf’s “Hard Card”, which covers Local Rules and particular Terms of Competition applicable to the Tournament.
iii. Any “Additional Local Rules” issued to players at registration or on the first tee.
iv. CAGU's Pace of Play Policy and Code of Conduct Policy.
Note: References to England Golf above should be read as referring to the Tournament Committee and its designated officials.

d. The maximum field is 66 players, all of whom shall be male.
i. If the number of entries exceeds 66, they shall be reduced to 66 by eliminating the higher handicaps by ballot according to exact handicaps at the closing date for entries.
ii. Of the 66 players, 63 shall be in strict handicap order. The other 3 places may be used for 3 invitations to host club players. Should any of those invitations not be used, in strict handicap order the 63 shall increase accordingly.
iii. Both successful and unsuccessful entrants will be informed by email within 48 hours of the closing date for entries. That e mail will contain the draw sheet and a reserve list in priority order. The draw will also be published on the Club’s website. Those who are unsuccessful may be offered the opportunity to compete if withdrawals subsequently occur. Entry fees will be refunded to those balloted out and who do not compete.

2. Player Eligibility and Qualification

a. Amateur Status. Entrants must be amateurs as defined by the Rules of Amateur Status.

b. Handicap. At date of entry and the closing date, entrants must have an exact WHS handicap not exceeding 1.4.

Note: England Golf's Championship Entry Policy (General Play Scores) is also in operation for the tournament.

3. Entries and Withdrawals

a. Entries must be made online via the Gog Magog Golf Club / CAGU Website by Tuesday 13th May 2025 at 12:00.

b. The entry fee of £70 is payable via PayPal.

c. All entries shall be subject to the approval of the Tournament Committee which reserves the right to accept or refuse an entry without giving reasons for its decision, which shall be final.

d. The Committee reserves the right to reject the application of or disqualify a competitor who knowingly makes a false statement on his entry form.

e. Withdrawals
i. In the event of a competitor withdrawing after the entry closing date, his entry fee will not be refunded. Such withdrawal must be confirmed immediately by e-mail.
ii. A competitor may not withdraw during the Tournament except for emergency and/or medical reasons, explained to and deemed acceptable by the Tournament Committee.
iii. If a competitor, who has posted a two round total score that will qualify for a third round, withdraws before the third round draw is made, that competitor’s score will still be used to calculate the leading number of places and ties which determine the cut mark.

4. Winner & Prizes

a. The winner will be the Lagonda Trophy holder for one year and will receive a memento. The trophy itself will be retained at the host club.

b. Vouchers will be awarded to the leading eight players as follows:
1st £500, 2nd £400, 3rd £300, 4th £250, 5th £200, 6th £150, 7th £125, 8th £100.

5. Registration

On the first day of the Tournament, competitors must register at the Tournament Office, in the Clubhouse, on arrival and no later than 30 minutes before their start time. Failure to do so may result in the competitor forfeiting his place, which may immediately be offered to a reserve. In such circumstances, the competitor concerned will also forfeit his entry fee.

6. Practice

a. Courtesy practice rounds will be permitted on Tuesday, 28th May, which is the official practice day.
b. Practice rounds. One ball only may be played, with the following exceptions:
i. If a player misses the green with his shot to the green, he may play one additional shot.
ii. Where the Rules of Golf apply (e.g. provisional ball).
iii. A player may practise putting (but not chipping or bunker play) provided play is not unduly delayed.

7. Code of Conduct: Local Rule

The following Terms, together with any additions or amendments published at the course, will apply, including on the practice day.

a. Dress Code
i. Players and caddies may wear tailored shorts and (predominantly) white sports socks.
ii. Off the course a minimum standard of dress is required, e.g. golf shirt or polo neck sweater, trousers (not jeans) or tailored shorts. Flip flops and stockinged feet are not permitted in the clubhouse.
b. Trolleys must not be taken onto tees or between a greenside bunker and the green and/or onto fringes of greens.
c. Mobile Phones: May not be used on the course (including the practice day) by players or caddies for making/sending or receiving calls or texts except in cases of emergency, or as required for the tournament.

If a serious breach of this Local Rule occurs, or where there are repetitive breaches, a player may be disqualified under Rule 1.2 for a serious misconduct.

8. Play “Ready Golf”

1. Based on Rule 5.6b, “Prompt Pace of Play”, and given the overriding obligation to play in a safe and responsible way, in stroke play, examples of ready golf include:

a. Shorter hitters – or those playing an iron - playing first from the teeing area if longer hitters – or those playing a driver - have to wait because the group in front is within their range
b. Playing from the teeing area if the player with the honour is delayed
c. The player with the honour should not delay play by marking his score card before playing from the teeing area
d. Playing if another player further away from the hole faces a challenging shot and is taking time to assess it
e. Playing before helping another player to find his or her ball
f. Walking ahead to your ball while another player, whose ball is further from the hole, is walking to his ball and/or preparing to make a stroke (as long as you do so in a safe, responsible and considerate way)
g. Playing when you are closer to the hole and intend to chip from the front or side of the green while another player, whose ball has gone over the back of the green, is walking around the green to reach it
h. Playing if another player has played from a bunker, is still farthest from the hole but is delayed due to raking the bunker
i. Putting out even if you are standing close to another player’s line

2. More generally:

a. Be aware of your position in relation to the group in front. Keep up with that group. It is no excuse that your group is not delaying the group behind; soon your group could be doing so if it has a ball search or two. If your group is falling behind, it must make a real effort to catch up.

b. Always play a provisional ball if there is a chance your original ball may be lost outside a penalty area or may be out of bounds.

c. Do not wait until it is your turn to play before:

  • Putting on your glove
  • Calculating your yardage
  • Assessing your strategy for the stroke
  • Selecting and pulling a club from your bag
  • Assessing your line of putt
9. Disputes and Decisions

a. The Tournament will be under the control of the Tournament Committee, which will be responsible for resolving any disputes or doubtful points. In any such matter, the Committee’s decision shall be final except that, on the course, a referee’s decision shall be final.

b. If, because of adverse weather or other circumstances, the Committee decides it is impossible to complete the Tournament in accordance with the Terms of the Competition, it may vary the Terms to the extent necessary to achieve a result within the time available.

10. Drugs

A competitor must not knowingly make use of any performance-enhancing drug. A competitor who infringes this Term or, if asked to do so, refuses to take a test, will be disqualified. Attention is drawn to the list of prescribed drugs issued by Sport England.

11. Liability

Neither the Tournament Committee nor the Club shall be responsible for the loss or damage to equipment or personal possessions.

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